Travel or Health
Mexican Insurance?
Article written by:
Novamar Insurance MX
Published April 03, 2023
Services | Health Insurance
Travel or Health Mexican Insurance?
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive in our Health & Travel department is what is the difference is between a Mexico Travel policy and a Mexico Health policy? While both policies cover the person when they have an illness or accident, Mexico Health/Major Medical Expenses insurance is designed to offer comprehensive medical coverage to those moving from their home country for a period of at least one year. A Mexico travel insurance policy offers coverage for emergency treatment while visiting Mexico for a short and set period, from one day onwards.
Travel Insurance
Mexico Travel insurance is designed to cover you during trips of limited duration. This product is geared toward covering tourists and other short stay travelers like digital nomads to cover an accident or sudden and fortuitous illness. The main differentiator between Travel Insurance and Major Medical Insurance is that Travel Insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions, nor does it cover any long-term treatment. Some policies cover the first treatments of a pre-existing illness to get out of the emergency, but not the subsequent treatment.
Travel insurance offers you various benefits such as:
• Emergency medical treatment due to illness or accident
• Medical consultation at your place of lodging
• Repatriation of remains
• Travel expenses of a family member or companion of the insured in rehabilitation
• Trip cancellation
• Loss of luggage
Payments for the insurance company can be given in two types:
• Reimbursement
• Direct payment with hospitals and doctors
Emergency treatment DOES NOT COVER tumors or cancer treatments. Cancer is a disease that develops and is treated long-term. A sudden and unforeseen emergency such as a heart attack would be covered if it is not related to any pre-existing condition such as hypertension, high cholesterol, overweight or other causes linked to this risk.
Major Medical Insurance
This is designed for temporary or permanent residents in a country, not for tourists or vacationers. This policy does cover long-term illnesses and treatments. While some plans do cover preventive checkups, the plan is designed to cover major medical expenses. We are talking about high hospital bills. Because of this, policies usually have high deductibles.
Mexico Health/ Major Medical Insurance coverage includes the essentials for medical care and subsequent treatment:
• Intrahospital expenses
• Medical fees
• Laboratory Tests
• Prescription drugs
• Rehabilitation Therapies
Contact us, we will gladly make a study of your current health condition and needs and we will give you a proposal with the recommendations for its implementation.