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Dra. Cynthia Arreola

Medical | Geriatrics

Geriatric care to the Elderly In Punta de Mita, Bucerias and Puerto Vallarta. Covering preventive, therapeutic, curative, palliative and rehabilitative care.

Geriatric Care & Medicine

As a Geriatrician, Dra. Arreola specializes in caring for aging adults who develop medical issues. Our bodies change over time, and our health care needs to adapt with us. Even an older person’s family, friends, or other caregivers start feeling considerable stress related to care.

Dra. Cynthia focus is keeping older ones functional and helping them maintain their quality of life. Her care includes the relationship with the patient, with the family and even with the health team in charge of the elderly.


Happy Healthy Seniors

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Geriatric Consultation

  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia | Alzheimer | Memory loss
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Dehydration
  • Eating disorders | Sleep disorders
  • Gait disorders | Falling | Heart failure
  • Urinary tract infection

Quality Care

Most health problems in older people are related to chronic disorders, especially non-communicable diseases.

Many of these diseases can be prevented or delayed through health-promoting behaviors. In fact, even at very advanced ages, physical activity and good nutrition can have extraordinary benefits for health and well-being.

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The care of the elderly is complex, so it must be approached in an orderly and comprehensive manner.

Convenient locations: Punta Mita Hospital & Biomedical Center Puerto Vallarta.


  • Physician Surgeon Degree, Autonomous University of Guadalajara
  • Geriatrics Specialty, the Autonomous University of Querétaro


  • Training stay at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, ​​Spain
  • Endorsed by the Mexican Council of Geriatric Medicine.
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Av Los Tules 140, Díaz Ordaz, 48310 Puerto Vallarta, Jal.
Biomedical Center, 2nd floor.
Also: Punta Mita Hospital.


Monday – Thursday (4 pm – 8 pm)
Friday (11 am – 2 pm)

Healthy Aging


The decade from 2020 to 2030 was declared by the World Health Organization as “the decade of healthy aging”, for which 194 countries approved: “The global strategy and action plan on aging and health”; in which the vision, objectives and action plan that will be carried out during said decade are developed.

Populations around the world are aging rapidly. Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population aged 60 and over will double, from 11% to 22%. The absolute number of people aged 60 and over is projected to rise from 900 million in 2015, to 1.4 billion by 2030, and to 2.1 billion by 2050. Those extra years of life and reshaping of society have profound implications for each of us. , as well as for the communities in which we live.

Unlike most of the changes that society will experience in the next 50 years, these trends are largely predictable. We know that the demographic transition towards older populations will occur, and we can plan to make the most of it. Living longer offers the opportunity to reconsider not only what old age might be, but how our life cycle might evolve. Now, the extent to which each of us as individuals and society as a whole can benefit from this demographic transition will depend considerably on one determining factor: health. Unfortunately, although it is generally assumed that increased longevity comes with a prolonged period of good health, there is little data to suggest that older people are currently in better health than their parents at the same age.

Most health problems in older people are related to chronic disorders, especially non-communicable diseases. Many of these diseases can be prevented or delayed through health-promoting behaviors. In fact, even at very advanced ages, physical activity and good nutrition can have extraordinary benefits for health and well-being.

Other health problems and loss of capacity can be managed effectively, particularly if they are detected early enough. And even for people with capacity losses, enabling environments can enable them to lead dignified lives and continue their personal development. However, the world is far from this ideal, particularly for poor older people and those belonging to disadvantaged social groups. Health measures must be urgently adopted

Aging is an integral and natural part of life. The way we age and experience this process, our health and functional capacity, depend not only on our genetic structure, but also (and importantly) on what we have done during our lives; of the type of things we have encountered throughout it; of how and where we have lived our lives.

The rate of aging varies within the organism itself of any species. The reasons why this is so are not fully known. Some theorists say that the individual is born with a certain amount of vitality (the ability to sustain life) that continually decreases as age advances, definitely environmental factors also influence the length of life and time of death. .

With the aging process, most organs suffer a deterioration in their functional capacity and their ability to maintain homeostasis. Aging is a process that lasts a lifetime. Every stage of life is important. Therefore, aging must be viewed from a perspective that encompasses the entire life course.

The main objective in the inevitable process of aging should be the search for ways to preserve and improve people’s functional abilities, help them manage independently in the community and, fundamentally, improve the quality of their lives.

In order for healthy aging to occur, many conditions are required, mainly we must focus on prevention, in which we not only have to think about the prevention of diseases, but also that the physical environment of the elderly adult is conducive to their performance. with the lowest risk of accidents or falls; We must of course opt for physical and mental exercise, a balanced diet, according to the diseases and needs of each patient; keep chronic diseases under control if you already suffer from them.

The medical care of the elderly is complex, so it must be approached in an orderly and comprehensive manner.

For this purpose, Geriatrics has developed a model in which it attempts to cover all the necessary fields for the best approach to their care; Globally, the following 4 spheres must be covered:

  1. Socio/family
  2. Psychological/Mental
  3. Biological
  4. Functional

This is carried out from different types of care: preventive, medical consultation, hospitalization, palliative care and chronic care.

However, the medical field makes up only a part of all the needs we have at this stage of life, so it is expected that there will be more and more programs, guidelines and strategies to improve the quality of life and try to preserve functionality in this population group.

World Parkinson's Day (April 11)

It is a progressive disease of the nervous system that affects the movement and often causes tremors.

  • This disease is characterized by the lack of production of a chemical substance in the brain called dopamine, which helps in body movements and regulates mood. There is no therapy or curative treatment for Parkinson’s.
  • The disease has an incidence of 150 to 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year in the world. In Mexico, 50 out of every 100,000 inhabitants can suffer from it.
  • It is the second neurodegenerative disease and mainly affects people over 50 years of age, although it can appear at any age.
  • It was established in 1997, choosing for this the date of birth of Dr. James Parkinson. He was the first to identify the degenerative disease.

Tips for caregivers of dependent elderly people

If you are responsible for a dependent elderly person, consider the following:

Medication control

Because some older people consume several medications, they may be confused when taking them, for this reason, it is recommended to carry a log with their control.

Daily Routine

Establish daily schedules and activities. To do this, you can rely on day residences, where you can do the activities you like, as well as interact with like-minded people. Following a daily routine gives them confidence and security.


Make sure your diet is balanced: reduce saturated fats, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and vegetable fats (almonds, walnuts, peanuts and sunflower seeds). It is important that your diet be supervised by a specialist.

Physical environment and security

Adequate physical space so that the elderly can move around with autonomy and safety. Find related information in our Cities Blog friendly to older people.

Physical exercise

Older people can do different types of exercises: strength, to strengthen muscles; balance, to prevent falls and improve reflexes; of flexibility and resistance to improve breathing and heart rate.

Needs Diagnosis

Make a list of the elderly person’s needs and the human economic resources you can count on; that is, family members who can support with care, specialists, personalized assistance and/or medical care advanced as required.


Strengthens family ties and promotes interaction with close friends, it will help you improve your quality of life. Look for tools and materials that help with cognitive stimulation.


Hygiene is fundamental for the health of the elderly and for the prevention of diseases.

Mental exercise

Search for tools and materials that help the cognitive stimulation.

The phases of Alzheimer's

Early Stage

  • Failures in recent memory
  • Behavior changes
  • Disorientation
  • Aggressiveness
  • Decreased concentration

Moderate Phase

  • Memory loss
  • Repetition of acts
  • Loss of recognition of family members
  • Alternation from lucidity to mental confusion
  • Aggressiveness
  • Caregiver dependency
  • Forgetting words

Severe Phase

  • Total physical dependence
  • Loss of speech ability
  • Lack of recognition of one’s own face
  • Incontinence
  • Assisted feeding