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Sáicel Biomedical Lab

Corina Martinez

Medical | Laboratory | Regenerative Medicine | Guadalajara

Sáicel researches and cultivates mesenchymal stem cells and develops regenerative medicine products aimed at improving the health and life of patients.

Biotechnology & Stem Cell Production

Sáicel is the only laboratory that deals with all the phases of the stem cell production cycle. Committed to the research and application of biotechnology for the development of new therapeutic strategies.


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Stem Cell Treatments can help

  • Neurological disorders – Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, autism, parkinson’s and polyneuropathies.
  • Autoimmune disorders – Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, or diabetes mellitus.
  • Chronic-degenerative disorders – Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and renal failure.
  • Aesthetic medicine – Stem cell therapy has proven to be a useful anti-aging treatment, both in skin rejuvenation and in the replacement of lost muscle tissue.
  • Other conditions – Chronic obstructive disease, myocardial infarction, brain injury, scleroderma, non-specific chronic ulcerative colitis, pulmonary fibrosis and a range of diseases where the key is to regenerate tissue.

Stem cell therapy is a novel and effective option based on its unique ability to influence metabolism, the immune system, and restoration of damaged cells and tissues.

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“Hand in hand with the best medical specialists, we seek the most appropriate solution for each regenerative treatment.”


Corina Martinez

Founder and CEO
Pharmacobiological Chemist

About Corina Martinez

Martinez trained in human assisted reproduction, she started working in the animal medical area with cell therapy and in 2016 she decided to focus her knowledge in the field of human cell therapy.

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Donceles 2069, Jardines del Country, 44210 Guadalajara, Jal.


Monday – Friday (9 am – 5 pm)

What are Stem cells?

Stem cells are cells that have not yet specialized, which means that they have not become a particular type of cell with a specific function (eg muscle cell, skin cell, etc.). A stem cell has the ability to develop into many different cell types in the human body. There are a variety of different types of stem cells, each with different benefits.

Are stem cells safe?

Stem cells are safe, but they are not the solution to all pathologies. Each case must be particularly analyzed to know whether or not you can be a candidate for stem cell therapy.

Where are the stem cells obtained from?

Mainly from tissues such as the umbilical cord, placenta or endometrial tissue. Scientific evidence has shown better therapeutic results when these tissues are used for cultivation.

Do stem cells self-renew?

One of the most incredible characteristics is to form cells identical to the cells of origin and to differentiate into cells of one or more specialized tissues. That is why its use is more common in the treatment of chronic-degenerative, neurological, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases.

What kind of results can I expect from the treatment?

Dozens of studies have shown the efficacy of stem cell therapies for various degenerative diseases. Patients typically experience increased mobility, sensation, balance, strength, and energy along with reduced stress and pain levels.